World Order: Vision and Reality
Collected Papers Edited by David Armstrong

With a Foreword by Ram Niwas Mirdha
President, Indian Society of International Law

Köchler, Hans
9, XXIII + 564 pages, hardcover
ISBN: 978-81-7831-200-2

Published by the International Progress Organization

Editorial Assistant: Nathan Mundell

Studies in International Relations, XXXI

Manak Publications: New Delhi, 2009

Rs 2000 /  € 35,00

Book cover

Table of contents

About this book

This volume of collected papers contains around three dozen articles and analyses written by Hans Köchler since the end of the Cold War era. In the main chapters – “World Order and the Rule of Law” and “Civilization and World Order” – the book deals with basic issues of the global balance of power, the consequences of globalization, questions of international democracy and United Nations reform, the “global war on terror,” international justice versus power politics, and the paradigm of the “clash of civilizations.” The essays are arranged according to a thematic sequence from general aspects of international relations theory to applied questions of international politics. In the preface, the author explains what motivated him to publish this volume of collected papers: “Periods of global change are often seized as ‘moment of ideology’ by those who see themselves as beneficiaries of the new constellation and are tempted to monopolize the discourse on ‘justice,’ ‘democracy,’ ‘human rights’ for the sole purpose of perpetuating a situation they perceive as advantageous in terms of the power equation.” The essays in this book try to unravel that ideology and to create an alternative vision of a just and democratic world order.

Book review: Mainstream, New Delhi


international democracy

state sovereignty

power balance


international rule of law

international criminal justice

dialogue of civilizations

clash of civilizations

United Nations

UN Security Council

European Union

United States


international power politics