Call for immediate resumption of arms inspections in Iraq
Appeal by the NGO Committee on Peace (Vienna)
October 2002/P/RE/17974c-is
The NGO Committee on Peace, a group of
international NGOs accredited at the United Nations Office in Vienna, has
sent an urgent message to the permanent pepresentatives of the member states
of the Security Council, calling upon them to undertake all measures for the
immediate resumption of arms inspections in Iraq. The International Progress
Organization is among the signatories of this appeal.
The representatives of international NGOs accredited at the United Nations
(Vienna) and co-operating in the NGO Committeee on Peace, have expressed
their grave concern about the further delay of concrete steps towards
resolving the question of the existence of weapons of mass destruction in
Iraq. They demanded that the Security Council decide immediately on
the beginning of the work of the inspectors of UNMOVIC and on the
resumptions of inspections by the IAEA, and that inspections should be
undertaken on the basis of the modalities agreed upon between Iraq and the
United Nations at the conclusion of negotiations held at the UN Office in
Vienna at the beginning of October.
In their message, the members of the NGO Committee on Peace urged the
Security Council member states to make the necessary decisions without delay
so that a further escalation of the conflict and any unilateral military
action against Iraq can be prevented. Such unilateral military action,
according to the NGO Committee on Peace, would violate key provisions of the
United Nations Charter. The NGO representatives expressed the view that the
Security Council alone has the right to evaluate eventual reports of the
arms inspectors and to decide on any further procedures within the Council's
mandate to maintain international peace and security.
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